We are here to make your brand epiq.
Let’s move animal health forward, together.

Integrity: Doing the Right Thing Even When No One Is Watching
I love this definition by C.S. Lewis and believe it to be one of the most simple but profound quotes: Even when it is not the easiest or most profitable, doing the right thing is one of the most important guideposts for any business.

It’s Time To Embrace Our Introverted Industry!
I was told by a mentor once that the most successful veterinarians were extroverted and liked people more than patients. While there may be some truth in that extroverted people often ease into conversation with others without as much social anxiety, the reality is that 57% of people in the world are introverts.

To show the novel wound treatment KeraVet Gel is superior to standard of care for preventing licking behavior and improving wound outcomes in a randomized controlled clinical trial.

Proof of Concept Study Comparing Healing Rates of Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel and Amniotic Drops
Domes Pharma
Hyaluronic acid and amniotic-based hydrogels have been shown to enhance corneal healing. Considering the importance of faster reepithelialization in corneal repair and patient comfort, the aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of crosslinked hyaluronic acid based hydrogels of BioHAnce (CMHA-S) with a commercially available amniotic eye drops as well as to
understand study group size to power future work.

2019 AAHA Dental Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats*
The 2019 AAHA Dental Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats outline a comprehensive approach to support companion animal practices in improving the oral health and often, the quality of life of their canine and feline patients. The guidelines are an update of the 2013 AAHA Dental Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats. A photographically illustrated, 12-step protocol describes the essential steps in an oral health assessment, dental cleaning, and periodontal therapy.