Overage, Shortage and Damages

Please fill out this form so our team can investigate. Someone from our operations team will reach out soon. Thank you.


Products referred to on epiq’s invoices shall be deemed delivered in full, unless the Distributor provides notice to epiq within five (5) business days of receipt of invoice. The Distributor must refuse visibly (non-concealed) damaged goods. Freight damage that is discoverable on a visual inspection of the outside of the shipment or each pallet must be noted on the carrier delivery papers and signed by the carrier driver. epiq’s Customer Service Department must be notified at (800) 480-0838 in accordance with the procedures outlined below:
(a) Concealed shortages or damages within over-packers must be reported to epiq’s Customer Service Department within five (5) business days of receipt of delivery or credit will not be allowed.
(b) Concealed shortages or damages within palletized shipments must be reported to epiq’s Customer Service Department within five (5) business days of delivery or credit will not be allowed.
(c) Concealed shortages (manufacturer’s) within full cases must be reported to epiq’s Customer Service immediately when encountered.
(d) Any pallet count discrepancy must be noted on the carrier’s delivery papers. The Distributor must notify epiq’s Customer Service Department within five (5) business days of delivery for a claim to be researched by epiq or credit will not be allowed.