
4 Keys to Finding Your Brand’s Voice

By EPiQ Animal Health | January 13th, 2020

You have seven seconds to make your first impression. No pressure, but it has to be perfect.

Your website, your content, your social media posts — every single thing you write or present online creates an impression of your brand. It’s important to keep this in mind, because your audience cares not just about what your products do but also about who you are.

Often, the internet is the first place pet owners will interact with or hear about your brand. That makes it even more important that your online presence is guided by a unified brand voice that’s representative of who you are.

Here are four guiding principles to finding your brand’s voice and being heard in the animal health market.

1. You are more visible than you think you are.

If your product could be sold without your knowledge, your brand could definitely be discussed without your knowledge, too.

It’s important to send the right message and be present. If there’s a negative review of your product, you don’t just need to respond. You need to reassure potential customers out there that your brand is on top of things, professional, and willing to address concerns. Don’t leave it up to a chatbot or a templated message. Be human, be personal, and solve problems. Remember, everything you say online (and everything your customers say) is a representation of your brand.

2. It helps to remember that your audiences are people.

Too often, businesses push their services or products with aggressive marketing tactics, automated communication, or deceitful advertising. A pushy, robotic, or dishonest approach doesn’t convey the humanity or value of your brand, and it certainly doesn’t build trust.

The fact is, there’s a human being reading everything you produce, and communicating with them on a personal level goes a long way. Not only is that the form of communication that they deserve, but it’s the method they will respect. If consumers feel seen and recognized, they’ll return the favor.

3. Your competitors are already there.

Assume your competitors are implementing best practices for being recognized in your industry right now and you’re fighting to get ahead of them. Otherwise, you’re likely to fall behind.

Standing out from competitors means being memorable. The key? Keep your brand voice consistent, reliable, and active: Forbes reports that consistent brand presence across all online platforms can increase your revenue by up to 23%. Make sure that you take the time to define your brand voice for maximum impact so you truly understand how to differentiate yourself from the competition.

4. You can control your narrative.

What’s your origin story? Why is this work important to you? Your brand’s voice and storytelling should reflect the answers to these questions. Your voice should thoughtfully and intentionally represent your brand, just like your products do. Who is your primary audience? What is their interaction with your product? Is it fun (a chew toy)? Emotional (bedding)? Serious (medication)? Does it require expertise (medical devices, surgical tools)?

As long as you are intentional about how your brand is represented, you control your audiences’ perceptions of you.

As a master distributor, EPiQ Animal Health acts as a strategic marketing partner and consultant to help brands succeed in the animal health market. Contact an EPiQ Animal Health representative if it’s time for your brand to make some noise.

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EPiQ Animal Health

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